mnemonic security podcast



Insider threats | In Norwegian only

Where should organisations start to protect themselves from insider threats?

For this episode on insider risks, Robby is joined by Frode Skaarnes, COO at Lørn, a startup creating digital learning programs, with long experience from The Norwegian National Security Authority (NSM), as well as Kristian Haga from mnemonic’s Governance Risk and Compliance department.

They share from their experience working to help organisations minimise their risks of insider threats towards both the public and private sector, discuss how insiders often operate and why it’s especially important to separate between intentional and unintentional insiders.

Frode and Kristian also go into what organisations can do to pre-emptively minimise their own risks, and how working from home during the pandemic has impacted how we approach this risk. 

Related reading: 

Producer: Paul Jæger

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